Letter to the editor: Budget jobs part of Webster’s luster


I was a budgeted employee. I started in Admissions as a Gorlok Guide, and then worked two years as an editor for The Journal. Part-time wages from these positions kept me afloat during my studies, but more importantly, kept me on campus and engaged with Webster.

During my tours, I spoke with pride about The Galaxy, The Ampersand, The Journal and the jobs they made possible to these potential students. I was able to pass out print editions they could hold onto and take home to read. Visitors were continually surprised at the high quality of our student media and that Webster was able to pay students to manage it.

I empathize with the challenge to cut millions from the budget, but eliminating student employee positions is simply a bad idea. Students will be pushed to find jobs off-campus unaffiliated with Webster or their studies. Media groups will become tougher to manage and grow, resulting in their decline. The Galaxy will be reduced to a club of internet radio enthusiasts, The Ampersand will spend a full year on one magazine, essentially becoming a yearbook, and The Journal will struggle to produce the content stream necessary to keep digital readers checking back for more.

I commend the students of Webster for hearing about “something that might happen while it was still just being talked about” and seeking to prevent these cuts from further consideration. Budgeted student media positions not only contributed to my personal success, but they make Webster a better choice for college.

Dear Gorloks, you must fight a budget that will cut funding for Webster’s student media jobs. The voice of Webster and the success of the SOC may be forever diminished if these positions are eliminated in the fall.

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