Roman Kozelov has played trivia for over 20 years. His passion for the game led him to create a trivia club on campus.
Webster student Roman Kozelov decided to start a club after he visited a trivia event on campus. The event drew a large crowd and offered free pizza, but Kozelov remembered one issue standing out to him.
“In two hours [there] were like less than ten questions, and I was like, ‘This is definitely what it should not be,’” Kozelov said. “People are coming for trivia to play trivia, not to play ten questions in two hours. I decided ‘Wait a second, why not you organize something what how I see [the game]?’”
For Kozelov, trivia is a passion that started over 20 years ago, when his middle school team won the Russian game “What? Where? When?” His passion for trivia has since expanded to other games, including Russian Jeopardy.
His experiences pushed him to create a trivia club on campus. The first event drew only eight people, but Kozelov is optimistic more will come in the future.
“What? Where? When?” is a popular game in Russian speaking countries. The game was briefly adapted into an English show called “One Million Dollar Mind Game” in 2011. Nevertheless, Kozelov said the game is not very prominent in America.
“All [these] Russian speaking people in America who are here for ages, none of them ever really tried to provide it to [the] English speaking local world – to universities or to other things. I don’t know why,” Kozelov said.
Kozelov wants to change that by introducing the game to Webster students through the trivia club. According to Kozelov, teams tend to consist of around six players. During the game, team members must work together to answer questions that require logic and other skills.
For future events, Kozelov said he would also like to introduce other trivia games to attendees.
While Kozelov said he had hoped for a higher turnout, he was excited eight people had come. He said many of his friends had been busy studying for midterms, so he hopes more people will be able to come out in the future.
“The only thing I really regret is that this idea did not come to my mind like one semester before,” Kozelov said. “I could have started earlier.”
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