Webster student April Albrecht writes to President Elizabeth Stroble and School of Communications Dean Eric Rothenbuhler about the removal of the Simply to Go in Sverdrup’s lobby.
Drs. Stroble and Rothenbuhler,

I have been a commuter student at Webster since 2013…first as an undergraduate and now, a current graduate student. I am a School of Communications student and spend 100% of my time in Sverdrup Hall, where I am also a student worker with Scott and Gina Jensen, and a volunteer DJ at The Galaxy Radio. I have enjoyed the past convenience of having the small food area in east lobby where I could purchase fresh coffee, snacks and other items to eat. When I came back to school for the Fall semester, I was extremely disappointed to find that that location had been closed.
Do you realize the inconvenience that you have placed upon not only the students but also the staff and instructors? You have forced us into two options. The first is to go to another building for meals/drinks. It may not seem like a great distance to the University Center or Library, but during the winter when it is freezing cold with snow, no one really wants to bundle up and go outside (and opposite, the late Spring/early Fall when it is unbearably humid). Secondly, you have forced us to spend money for vending machine items like drinks and snacks, which is basically junk food. Most would rather spend a little more for something more decent to eat, especially for those attending night classes. I know most graduate students work during the day and prefer something to eat with more substance than a little bag of Fritos.
I understand that that particular spot was not making enough money in your eyes, but doesn’t the convenience and comfort of that location for the students, staff and faculty outweigh the little bit of money loss? You have seemingly taken the student viewpoint and consideration out of the equation and just looked at the bottom line when making your decision. The very least that you could do is make sure the snack and coffee machines work. I have lost $6 in the coffee machine alone since the beginning of the semester and no one seems to know who to contact about it. The cups either didn’t drop and I had to use my own to-go cup, or nothing happened at all, even though the lights were saying it was working. I am extremely disappointed and upset as are other Sverdrup students and employees.
Please reconsider opening that location back up for us, the students that should matter the most as we have made Webster University what it is.
Thank you for your time,
April Albrecht
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