Get registered to vote


The deadline to register to vote in Missouri is Oct. 7. Make sure you’re registered — or get registered — by following these steps.

Requirements to Register in Missouri


  1. Must be at least 17½ when you register to vote (However, you must be 18 to cast your first ballot).
  2. Must be a United States Citizen who lives in the state of Missouri.

Ways to Register in Missouri 

register to vote
Graphic by Jenna Jones.


Missouri offers multiple ways for residents to register to vote. Residents registering to vote have the option to: register online, register in person, or print or request a paper registration application to mail in. 

  1. Online: Residents looking to register online can do so by going to the “register to vote” page on the Missouri Secretary of State’s Website. Then, click on the “Submit Online Voter Registration” tab. 
    1. Note: The start screen for the registration form states: “This application is designed to work in Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer 11 and above.” Registrants without access to these internet extensions may have to register another way. 
  2. In Person: Registrants who prefer to register in person can do so at their local county clerk’s office. For Webster Groves [St. Louis County], that location is the St. Louis County Board of Elections. Their address is 725 Northwest Plaza Dr. St. Ann, MO 63074
    1. For those looking to register who live outside of St. Louis County, you can find your local county clerk’s office by going to
    2. Registrants can also pick up voter registration forms at “any state agency providing service to the public.”
  3. Print and Mail In: Residents who hope to register to vote can also do so by mailing in a completed voter registration application. Go to and select the county you live in from the dropdown. This will open a PDF registration form which you can print. Follow the instructions on the application and mail it to the specified election authority. 
    1. Note: Registration applications must be postmarked by the last day to register (Oct. 7) in order to vote in the Nov. 3 election. 
  4. Request Application and Mail In: Registrants who would like to submit a Voter Registration application by mail and who would like the application mailed to them can go to You will be able to fill out a form requesting that an application be sent to you. 
    1. NOTE: According to the Secretary of State’s Website, requested ballots may take 3-5 days to deliver. If you are looking to register in time for the Nov. 3 option, this option may take past the deadline of Oct. 7 to complete.  

What will I see on the application? (St. Louis County Application)

  • Questions verifying you are a citizen and will be 18 on the nearest election day
  • Address 
  • Date of Birth
  • Last four digits of social security number (if applicable)
  • Drivers License Number (if applicable)
  • Signature verifying you are eligible to register and have entered truthful information. 
  • Optional or voter specific questions 

To view the voter registration for St. Louis County, go to:

Helpful Links/Websites to Register 

Check your registration on the Secretary of State’s Website.

Check your registration, register to vote or request a mail-in ballot on:


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