Online learning and courses have been shown less likely to benefit a student that took the same class with face-to-face instruction. The Community College Research Center at Columbia University’s Teachers College published the study.
The study found that students who enroll in online courses are more likely to drop or fail that course than someone who took the same course with an instructor. Men showed significantly less success in online courses in this study than women. The study also showed that older students performed better than traditional students.
Black and Asian students’ grades fell significantly in online courses. Likewise, students with strong academic skills saw their skills decline as well.
The study suggests that schools should focus on making online courses more accessible, and improving the courses overall quality.
The study stresses that students need to learn to adapt to online education, and be better prepared by universities to take these courses.
This study does not account for the quality of the online classes studied. Critics warn that these results shouldn’t be applied universally.
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