Randal Herndon is a second-degree black belt in tae kwon do, plays woodwind and percussion instruments and is a member of the International Thespian Society. Herndon, also known as DJ Twinny Twin, is also one of several personalities on Webster University’s The Galaxy Radio. Herndon, senior media communications major, is the current marketing and promotions director for the station as well.
“The thing that Randal has is natural energy. It’s just there,” said Jim Singer, media coordinator for The Galaxy Radio. “What we need to learn as professionals, is to channel that energy. Randal is good at hearing information, disseminating it and he’s good at processing it and saying, ‘This is what I need to do.”’
Herndon has been the DJ of his radio show, “Too Cool Radio,” for more than a year. The show plays every Monday, Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon. Herndon plays genres such as R&B, hip-hop, local and mainstream. Herndon said the show explains who he is: an average guy who doesn’t try to be “cool.” Herndon said the coolest people are those who do not try but are just themselves.
“If you’re weird, if you laugh funny, if you have a gap in your teeth, you make the best of it,” Herndon said. “You have to accept you for you. I just consider myself too cool for school. … I just call it ‘Too Cool Radio.’”
While attending McCluer High School, Herndon said he was the all-around student who was involved in everything from Student Government Association to theater. But during his freshman year at Southeast Missouri State University (SEMO), he said he was less of a social butterfly.
Despite this change, Herndon had the desire to be on the radio with his own show. SEMO did not have a radio program, so Herndon transferred to Webster for the audio production program in 2008.
“Randal does a good job of incorporating what a radio show is supposed to be, engaging listeners into the show, spinning quality music and independent music,” said Julian Keaton, personality of The Galaxy Radio’s “Stereo Assault” show. “He does a good job of formatting his show.”
Keaton, a former Webster student, once wanted Herndon to be a co-host on his radio show, “Stereo Assault.” However, because Herndon’s class schedule did not fit with the airing times of Keaton’s show, Herndon instead sought out to find out who the coordinator was, and contacted The Galaxy for an interview.
In addition to being granted a slot at the station because of his energy and personality, Herndon was also offered the position of marketing and promotions director by the general manager, Ryan Jecha.
“(Jecha) saw right through my personality,” Herndon said. “He saw that I was a good candidate (for a radio show), but I was offered a chance to interview for the marketing and promotions position just because of my personality. And I didn’t mind walking up to anyone, saying just about everything.”
Herndon is currently in the process of rebranding the station. Since he has had the position, he started replacing the old logo with a new one. He held a competition for students to design the new station emblem.
“(Herndon) really works hard at trying to give the station an identity on campus,” Singer said. “This has been missing since I’ve been here. We haven’t had a promotions director here as promotion minded as Randal is.”
Herndon participated in College Radio Day at Webster on Oct. 2. This day is filled with live broadcasting of artists’ (students, locals, etc.) performances and various sponsors who come to the event.
Keaton said The Galaxy has benefited since Herndon took over as the marketing and promotions director.
Herndon said The Galaxy Radio has an overall mission to not only be the student voice, but a St. Louis voice. Through rebranding The Galaxy Radio, he feels people might take the station more seriously.
The station has featured special guests such as Trixie from Nelly’s local record label, Derrty Ent. The Galaxy has also had on the station Do Boy, Prince Ea and Kyd Fresh. Every person Herndon has featured on the show is a local artist.
Herndon said his most memorable guests were fourth graders he featured on the show. The students were eager during the show to ask him about his favorite music and give shout-outs to their friends and family. He remembers asking them what they wanted to be when they grew up and their plans for college. By bringing these young students onto the show, he said he hoped he inspired the students to receive an education.
“A lot of kids nowadays want to be entertainers, because of what they see in the media,” Herndon said. “If I can show somebody that’s in an entertainment industry that’s getting an education, maybe they will be inspired to be like me and follow my path.”
The station airs only online and it is much harder for people to tune in.
However, there is a downloadable application for mobile devices that enables people to listen to The Galaxy in the car. Herndon wants more people to be aware of what The Galaxy has to offer, especially a different variety of music. He also wants students to think of it as a “go-to” media hub — not just a class or organization, but something that people need on campus.
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