Humans vs. Zombies rules and regulations


For one week, Webster University’s campus turned into a war zone. Students ran around campus wielding Nerf guns and socks, sporting bandanas around limbs to designate human status and around the head to indicate they’d been turned into a zombie.

The game they were playing is called Humans vs. Zombies (HvZ). The game’s official website describes the game as “a game of moderated tag played on college campuses.”

HvZ is started when a player is selected to be the Original Zombie. This person beings tagging, or “killing” humans, turning them into zombies as well. Each zombie (except for the Original Zombie) must tag at least one human every 48 hours, or they will starve and be out of the game.

Humans can defend themselves from being killed by hitting a zombie with a sock or shooting Nerf gun ammo at them. The zombie is then stunned for 15 minutes, and cannot kill any humans. Gameplay is only allowed outdoors  within campus limits; no tagging inside buildings, or chalked-off “safe zones.”

Each day, the humans are given missions in which they receive a “cure for the day” card. If a human does not receive a cure for the day, they are deceased. On Thursday, April 14, the humans were given from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. to stun a zombie carrying a special card. The zombie was to wear a hat, and be outside for the duration of the mission.