Recent car break-ins signal need for student self-awareness


The saying goes that the first time something happens it’s chance, the second time it’s coincidence and the third time it’s conspiracy.
While we don’t think any conspiracies are going on at Webster University, at least in the case of the recent car break-ins, we do find it highly suspect that in the span of just two hours three cars were broken into and the week prior, two other cars were broken into — in broad daylight.
We understand this hardly rates as a crime spree, but for Webster it is certainly unusual. Throughout the past few years, the crime rate at Webster has stayed consistently at zero.
We don’t expect crime to disappear — it’s inevitable in any community, even one as small as Webster. We don’t even expect the culprit to be caught; we know the likelihood of that happening is slim considering the nature of the crime.
However, we do expect students to be smart about their cars, especially when the school takes the time and initiative to warn students about the increase in break-ins. One of the break-ins we even hesitate to call such, considering the student left the car unlocked.
We know in a community such as Webster it is easy to forget that crime does happen. The week before the break-in epidemic, two other cars were broken into. A few months ago a student was attacked just outside of the campus. In the years since the majority of The Journal staff came to Webster, there have been other such violent acts and countless car break-ins and acts of vandalism.
While students should be cautious, they are not solely responsible for stopping these break-ins. So many times, as The Journal staffers filter out after our production night, we see the Public Safety patrol car simply sitting in the lot.
The last time we checked, the majority of mischief at Webster happens at night, if at all. We suggest Public Safety start using its bikes, car and officers more efficiently to ensure instances of theft swiftly decrease.
Is the so-called dangerous reputation of the city of St. Louis all of a sudden rubbing off on Webster Groves? Of course not. But we ask students, faculty and staff, along with Public Safety officers to be a little more cautious and aware of the problems going on around them.

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