We are the selfish generation


We should care because these are our loved ones, our neighbors, that are being affected. It is so sad to see the efforts to control this be destroyed for the sake of selfishness.

I live in St. Charles, close to Main Street, with all the clubs and restaurants. There are a few things that I notice. First, I notice how beautiful the history is. The second thing I notice is how crowded it is now. 

There are signs sprinkled around, asking patrons to wear a mask and social distance; while behind them a crowd of 50 college kids wait to get into a packed club with no masks. Some of these kids I know, and it makes me even more sad. There is a selfishness in the younger generations that exists, of course, in the older ones too. However, when I drive down Main Street to see the lights and the pretty buildings, it is so glaringly clear that our younger generations are missing a key trait: selflessness. I see the crowds and it shows to me we won’t get out of this as quickly as other countries have. So many people will get sick, and possibly even die so they can go clubbing and eat food on a patio. 

My parents are in their mid-60’s and I am so much younger I bear the weight of worrying about them. I fear for my family and my friends, because I know it is real. I see the younger people in this country be so flippant with something so serious. I remember how it felt to watch my grandmother struggle to breathe through a window just a few short months ago when we went to say goodbye. I am painfully aware of the reality. 

In truth, it shouldn’t take a personal experience to care. We should care because these are our loved ones, our neighbors, that are being affected. It is so sad to see the efforts to control this be destroyed for the sake of selfishness. There is great irony in seeing signs asking people to be responsible while they crowd around a small club. 

Of course, this is only my personal experience. However, I don’t think that this is a unique one. Considering how many positive cases have come out of universities; it is extremely alarming. We all lost something when this all started, whether it was so little as the ability to eat inside a restaurant to so big as a loved one, we have all been affected.  However, we won’t get to the end if we live life normally. We can’t stop worrying about our parents and grandparents as long as we choose to be selfish. I know that a lot of us are being responsible and considerate, but to those who aren’t: we see you. 

I want to reiterate that on a human level, I understand. I know how boring and annoying it is to be so aware. I miss my family, and my friends. I want to see them again without worry that I could be the reason they die. Please, sanitize, wear your mask, and stay away from people as much as you can. We will all thank you for it in the end.

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