Webster announces remote learning for summer 2020 courses


Webster University’s summer 2020 classes will now be held online. The decision was announced by the COVID-19 Task Force on April 9.

Today, Webster’s COVID-19 Task Force sent out an email announcing summer 2020 courses will be moved online. The decision applies to undergraduate and graduate courses in the St. Louis area. For St. Louis area campuses, remote learning for courses will extend through July.

Webster locations outside of St. Louis are also moving to remote summer learning, according to the email. However, the COVID-19 Task Force added these areas will re-evaluate whether in person learning is possible during the summer.

The email read:

“To the Webster University Community:

As part of continued precautions and planning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all undergraduate and graduate courses for the summer 2020 term at Webster University’s St. Louis area campuses, locations and corporate cohorts will be taught remotely. As a result, the current remote learning model, which was instituted in March in response to the pandemic, will continue through the end of summer terms in July.

At this time, Webster campuses and locations outside St. Louis are also instituting remote instruction to begin the summer term; these locations are evaluating how they may potentially return to campus-based instruction during the term should local restrictions and/or military base commands allow it. In each case, the decision comes after evaluating directives and recommendations from local authorities. Status changes will continue to be updated on Webster’s COVID-19 pages. We will provide updates for the community as those decisions are made.

Although most “at home” and other public gathering restrictions do not currently extend into the summer term, the conditions and projected timelines for lifting them vary by state and region. As the University’s leadership plans for the best way to guarantee safety and security for our community, Webster is announcing these plans now so that faculty, advisors and students can best prepare for a successful summer term without disruption.

While several summer camps have been canceled, decisions are still pending for some summer camps that take place in late summer. Camp registrants will be informed of any changes, and promotional materials will be updated accordingly.

Modified Operations

Webster is currently in Modified Operations status, under which staff are also working remotely wherever possible and access to campus buildings is restricted. The decision on when that status will change is independent of this remote learning announcement and will depend upon local conditions and directives regarding “stay at home” orders and related restrictions.

Thanks to our entire community for the flexibility displayed during this crisis. We know that changing the methods of how we educate our students and how we work remotely to support the University’s overall educational mission has been stressful. We applaud all of those who have rallied to the call to provide these necessary services and support under challenging conditions.  We look forward now to supporting that educational mission through remote teaching and learning for our students through the summer months.

The COVID-19 Task Force”

As always, this is a changing situation that The Journal is dedicated to reporting on. We will continue to update our community as often as possible.


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Cas Waigand (she/her) was the editor-in-chief for the Journal (Spring 2021). She majored in journalism with a minor in photography. Cas also covered COVID-19 and the 2020 general election. She enjoys writing, watching Netflix, crocheting, and taking photos.