At midnight tonight, the power will be shut off for the Sverdrup building, University Center, and Visual Art Studio until 5 a.m. Friday, Jan. 19.
Also, phone service and Internet/Network access will be unavailable in these buildings:
Loretto-Hilton Theater Center
Alumni House
Health Services
East and West Hall
Online Learning Center
Community Music School
Webster Village Apartment Buildings
Thompson Music Building
H. Sam Priest House
200 Hazel
Hunt House
Pearson House
Public Safety
The Multicultural Center.
Anyone who needs to reach Public Safety during this time should call 314-220-8487.
The power outage is needed so work crews can complete necessary repairs to the campus’ electrical system Webster said in a Webster Alert today.
The planned power outage for the Sverdrup building on the Webster Groves campus is rescheduled for Thursday, Jan. 18.
UPDATE 1/17/2018
A power outage for the Sverdrup building on the Webster Groves campus is planned for tonight, Jan. 16. The outage is needed for crews to complete repairs to the home campus’ power system, Webster University said in a Webster Alert email. Students and employees in the building are advised to shut down any electronic equipment before leaving the campus today.
The Sverdrup building will be available to students, faculty and staff during normal operating hours starting tomorrow.
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