International Business course offers Saturday schedule


The School of Business and Technology at Webster University is offering a Saturday schedule for the international business course. This introductory level course was designed for the 1 year MBA, but now it’s opened up to all.

Adjunct Professor William Hall, the instructor of the course, said the class is designed for students who have no background in international business.

“This particular format is very helpful and useful for working professionals who may work full-time and the only option is a weekend format,” Hall said.

Designed as an accelerated format, the Saturday class will be held on four consecutive Saturdays in February from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

“[An accelerated format] is not for everybody. For some students, that absolutely does not work for them,” Hall said. “But for other students, they very much appreciate the intensity and condensed format and they actually thrive on it.”

International Business is currently the only three-credit-hour required course that is offered on Saturdays. previously, only one-credit-hour courses and prerequisite courses have been offered in this all-day weekend format.

Business professor and MBA Director Debbie Psihountas said other classes could be offered in this accelerated format if it works for students. She said she is always looking for ways to make the academic programs at Webster more “user-friendly” to students.

“I am all about to figure out a way that learning could be effective, but also working for people’s lives,” Psihountas said.

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