Double the work, double the passion


Freshman Sadie Anderson has been drawing ever since she could hold a pencil and has carried a sketchbook for as long as she can remember. However, in high school Anderson became interested in film.

She decided to undertake the challenge of a double major in her education at Webster in order to do both.

“They’re both really big passions of mine so I thought I’d just pursue both and see where it takes me,” Anderson said.

Anderson wants to be a cinematographer, which will make her responsible for the artistic and technical decisions of a film’s images.

Her favorite type of films are experimental, which focus less on the narrative storytelling structure but more on what film can do as a medium.

“I really like cinematography and editing because I get to be behind the camera,” Anderson said. “I get to kind of control what the audience sees and manipulate how the scene makes them feel.”

Anderson said she thinks her love of drawing might help her film career.

“[Film and drawing] can go together because both teach you about composition,” Anderson said. “So I think knowing how to compose a drawing could help me compose a shot in a film.”

In high school, Anderson went to a summer filmmaking camp at the University of Tulsa where she and others broke into groups and made their own short films. They wrote, shot, acted in and edited them.

“I just thought that was really cool how so many people could work on a single project and it could just all come together,” Anderson said.

As a young girl, it was clear to Mary Wilson, Anderson’s mom, that her daughter was passionate about art.

“She loved coloring books and she always colored within the lines,” Wilson said. “She put on lipstick perfectly when she was three.”

Growing up, Anderson said she would always make up different characters for her artwork.

Even now, she still likes drawing people and their expressions because she thinks they are one of the most challenging things to draw.

“I don’t really like drawing still lives because they’re just lifeless, so I like people because there’s more warmth behind them,” Anderson said.

Anderson said she gets inspiration from the Internet by scrolling through art pages she follows.

She will then try to recreate them to practice. She said one of her favorite types of art is realistic portraits.

“They make me sad because I can’t do them yet, but it gives me something to strive for,” Anderson said. “It just makes me happy to draw something that I can feel proud of and that looks cool, and also it gives me something to work on and improve.”

Anderson said her family has always been supportive of her.

When she finishes an art piece she will show it to her mom and 16-year-old sister Macy. They will tell her what they like and do not like about it and how she can improve.

“I’m proud of her for following her dreams,” Macy said. “She really likes both film and art so I’m glad she’s pursuing both.”

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