Speak up for student democracy


“A good newspaper is a community talking to itself.” Every staff member at The Journal has heard these words.

As a college news source, we want Webster’s campus to speak from our pages. Our goal is to inform our community and put a loudspeaker to student voices.

But The Journal is not the only place where student democracy is at work.

This Friday in Sunnen Lounge at noon, the Student Government Association (SGA) and student leader community will set the Spring 2015 Delegates’ Agenda. Students will vote to select five issues to present to the administration.

We encourage our readers to vote in the ongoing survey and attend the setting of the agenda. This will help ensure that our student representatives can act on the issues the Webster community currently believes are most important.

Student leaders will present the top issues to Webster University President Elizabeth Stroble and her cabinet at the Delegates’ Agenda in Sunnen Lounge on Feb. 19 at 3 p.m.

We look forward to reporting on these issues and hearing students’ thoughts on them.

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