Gwyneth Williams’s full statement on faculty pay increases


By Gwyneth Williams 

I want to make it clear that my comments represent my views alone: I do not purport to be speaking for the Webster University faculty or faculty Senate.

Faculty salaries at Webster have not kept up with the pace of inflation in the last few years. Some faculty received boosts from the Mercer adjustments, and this resulted in bringing the average faculty salary up. However, numerous faculty members did not receive significant raises — or any raises — as a result of the Mercer adjustments, and they have less ‘real income’ now than a few years ago. The increase of 1% for the 2013-14 academic year was especially disheartening, and has been hard on morale.

At a Faculty Assembly meeting this past April, President Stroble told the faculty the administration was aware that the salary increases for faculty have been inadequate. The joint salary agreement between the administration and faculty for AY 2013-14 pledged to provide additional compensation in January 2014 if enrollment projections are met through Fall 2 2013. Furthermore, the joint salary agreement included the statement: “The Administration is committed to the principle that faculty engaging in satisfactory performance should not fall behind the cost of living, and will work to rectify shortfalls through future budgets.” I hope that with increased enrollments and prudent budgeting, there will be room for significant faculty salary increases in the next year.


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