Students re-elect Grosch as SGA president


by Scott Lunte, staff writer

The Webster University students have spoken, and current Student Government Association (SGA) President Michael Grosch squeezed out a 171 to 127 victory over Javier Cardenas to continue his reign as president for another school year.

Katie Maxwell, current Student Organization Liaison, will become the Vice President of SGA after running unopposed.

Chris Hawk also will keep his position as sergeant-at-arms for another year after running unopposed. The full results are listed below.


Michael Grosch outpolled Javier Cardenas 171 votes to 127 votes

—Vice President:

Katie Maxwell polled 219 votes


Chris Hawk polled 214 votes


Nicole Griffin polled 217 votes

—Student Organization Liaison:

Alex Bonney polled 204 votes

—Graduate Senators:

Lakumanu Sodamade polled 201 votes

—Arts and Sciences Senators:

Syreel Mishra polled 174 votes

Jacob Walker polled 164 votes

—Fine Arts Senators:

Ben Lipinski polled 192 votes