The topic of race and ethnicity was discussed in a panel discussion hosted by the Behavioral and Social Science Club (B.A.S.S.) at Webster Hall Feb. 13.
The panel included Kristen Anderson (assistant professor of american history), Robin Jefferson (assistant director of legal studies), and JB Kwon, (assistant professor of culture and anthropology/behavior & social sciences)
Students joined the staff and sat down to discuss the issue and how it affects them at Webster and in their own personal lives.
The opening question of whether the civil rights movement was a success in today’s society was discussed.
“I felt that it was a success, but I feel that we still have a long way to go,” said Anderson.
Jefferson stated that most of the younger generation has forgotten the movement, like it didn’t exist.
Kwon brought up the issue that Webster didn’t have many African American professors.
Many students said that that when they see a black professor in the classroom, they’re shocked, but when they see a white professor it’s the norm for them.
“Many students, especially African Americans, want someone they can identify with,” said Jefferson. “When I was in Law school at St. Louis University, most of the professors and students were white, but once I saw a black student or professor that I could identify with, that made me try to work harder.”
Kwon closed with, “If you want things to change at Webster or at work you have to make that change. If you want things to get better you have to make that step. This is your school, so take advantage of it.”
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