The Journal house ad draws attention


Dear Editor,
Something unfortunate was brought to my attention in this past week’s Journal. The section on applying to be an editor exhibits an image of three skinny white women with their heads cropped off, obviously naked with newspaper covering their midsection, and the phrase “Help us cover the student body” underneath it. Having only been at Webster University for a semester and a half, one thing that has caught my attention about Webster is an outstanding emphasis on equality and acceptance. To see such a gendered advertisement created by Webster students saddens me.
Are skinny, white women really an accurate representation of the student body at Webster University?I feel that in a place where so many people are forward-thinking, liberally-minded individuals, that this is a large step backward.
A concerned student,
Cynthia Wolters
Senior art major, anthropology minor.

Dear Editor,
In a recent issue of The Journal, I came across a very distasteful advertisement for a new editor. It was on page 9, captioned “Help Cover the Student Body.” I found the three naked, thin, white females to convey an objectification of women–something we see way to often in current media. I would appreciate if The Journal were more conscious of their social responsibility and role in media and hope that the paper will refrain from these types of actions in the future.
I am merely one concerned Webster student trying to make a difference for the better.
Thank you,
Samuel Naumann
Freshman music composition major

Dear Editor,
Happy Tuesday! Or not-so-happy Tuesday. I am writing in response to your ad for an editor placed in the most recent Journal. I cannot even begin to explain to you how enraged I am at such an advertisement.
First off, sexualizing a respectable position is not what I expected from my University’s newspaper. If you want an intelligent, respectable editor to respond to an advertisement, this is not the way to do it.
Secondly, you fail to recognize what Webster’s true student body looks like. We are not all thin, white fe ales [sic] in need of clothing. This is unbelievably disappointing. Webster two of Webster’s [sic] four core values include DIVERSITY and GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP. Your ad shows the opposite.
Diversity, global citizenship, and a respectable, strong education are reasons why I came to Webster. This ad and ads like it are not. I hope I never see another advertisement like this in The Journal unless it is for white, thin female sex workers. An apology would be greatly appreciated by all of us who had to see it. And I’m sure a thank you would be appreciated by any who dared see past the injustice shown in your newspaper ad.
A disappointed reader,
Ashley Hagy
Sophomore English and women’s studies major

Dear Editor,
I would just like to voice my concern and disgust in the advertisement for a new newspaper editor.
The advertisement involved three white, nude, female models shown from the neck to the knees and scarcely covered by newspapers, thought to be The Journal. Below the image, the text read “Help us cover the student body.” I think that was a lot to sacrifice for a cheap pun.
Anyone that’s taken a media, sociology or gender studies class at Webster (and that’s a lot of the “student body”) can tell you that this image is a textbook example of female objectification and use of the female body for commercial or sales purposes. What’s mind-boggling about seeing this in The Journal is that this is an ad for a position for the paper.
It would be understandable (albeit disappointing) if this ad was paid for by a company advertising in The Journal, but the idea that The Journal staff created this image in order to attract possible editors is disturbing. What kind of editor are you trying to attract?
Sadly, the three females in this image don’t accurately represent Webster’s “student body” in sex, race, gender or size at ALL and this ad certainly won’t peak the curiosity of the diverse candidates The Journal claims to be looking for.
I think it was an irresponsible move and I fear the type of newspaper editor this ad would attract.
Kaytlin McIntyre
Senior directing major

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