College of fine arts accepts Paul Steger as new dean


Paul Steger accepted his new role as dean of Webster’s Leigh Gerdine College of Fine Arts.

Steger said in a statement, “I look forward to coming back to collaborate with everyone to define a strategic vision for the College’s future that both preserves the reputation and harnesses the considerable strengths for even greater impact regionally, nationally and internationally.”

He said his goals are to integrate the creativity-focused areas of Webster, based on their overlapping similarities.

Leigh Gerdine College of Fine Arts Paul Steger introduces himself on Aug. 30. Photo by Aly Camacho.

Before his arrival at Webster, he served as the director of Virginia Tech’s School of Performing Arts since 2017. He also served 11 terms at the inaugural director at the Johnny Carson School of Theatre & Film at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. 

Steger has years of experience worldwide, performing, speaking and directing, specifically when it comes to exploring ways to choreograph violence and fight scenes in stage productions. He’s a current member of the National Theatre Conference (NTC) board of trustees, which he originally joined in 2009. 

Steger grew up in St. Louis, which he said has an incredible arts scene. He said he believes such arts are integral to Webster University, and is more than thrilled to be taking up his new job here. 

Steger said the new position allows him to give more exposure to the visual arts, theatre, music, and dance departments for students, faculty and staff.

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