Webster music students receive top honors at competition


Three Webster music education majors were awarded for their craft by taking top honors at the St. Louis Chapter National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) on Feb.24, 2018.

Sara Merrifield (freshman), Michaela Cruse (sophomore), and Faith Boyd (junior) had wins in their divisions. All three students participate in adjunct professor Heather McKenzie Patterson’s vocal class.

They individually had to perform at least two musical selections with one in a different language and another in English.

Along with the students, Webster faculty members Jeffrey Carter, Martha A. Hart, Jacob Lassetter and Amanda Taylor were just a few judges at the auditions.

NATS, founded in 1944, is a non-profit organization that specializes in developing the highest standards in vocal education and teaching of singing and research. Each year, they host local, regional, and national auditions. The St. Louis chapter also does a music theatre day outside of the auditions.