SPICE offers chess class at Webster University for fall semester


The Susan Polgar Institute for Chess Excellence (SPICE) will be offering chess classes at Webster University for the next 10 weekends. Classes will be every Saturday from Sept. 19 to Nov. 21.

The classes will be taught by members of the Webster University chess team. The chess team is the top ranked team in the nation.

This will be the first year SPICE is offering classes during the school year.

“Given the interest of our summer camps this past summer, some parents suggested the idea,” SPICE founder and chess team head coach Susan Polgar said in an email from Baku, Azerbaijan, while Webster competes in the Chess World Cup 2015. “We wanted to give the opportunity to the kids in our community to build on their knowledge gained over the summer.”

Two chess camps were held at Webster University this summer. The camps had around 50 kids. Since this is the first year offering classes in the fall, Polgar expects smaller numbers. Polgar believes there will be 10 to 12 kids, but there are still a few spots open.

With chess team members teaching the classes based on Polgar’s curriculum, they have the chance to grow in several areas.

“While it may not help our students improve their own game, it certainly will give them further experience as teachers, as well as develop their skills in communication and public speaking,” Polgar said.

Registration fees are $149. The registration date was Sept. 15, but late registrations are accepted with a $25 late fee.

The fall classes will be split into three sections, a beginner class, an intermediate class and an advanced class.

According to the SPICE website, the beginner class “is aimed to students who know the rules of the game … and will introduce all the basic tactics, strategies, opening principles and endgame patterns in a fun classroom setting.”

The intermediate class “will reinforce all the basic principles in all phases of the game and will build on it with more complex tactics, strategies, as well as important endgame patterns.”

The advanced class is for “scholastic tournament players! Lessons will focus on advanced strategies and tactics, endgames as well as important practical tips for the competitive player.”

The webster chess Team is competing in the Chess World Cup 2015 in Azerbaijan.

The Journal will report on how the chess team fares once the team returns.

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