December Toast improvements planned for 2013 grads


This year’s Delegates’ Agenda readdressed the addition of an official graduation ceremony for December graduates at Webster.

The Delegates’ Agenda also recommend after each term a member of the administration be recorded, dressed in ceremonial robes and read off the list of December graduates, allowing students all over the world to be virtually recognized for their accomplishments at Webster University.

Currently, Webster hosts a December Toast to recognize the December graduates. December graduates are also invited to walk at the Commencement in May.

But for students graduating in December, like senior photography major Grant Westhoff, attending the ceremony can be a financial burden.

Westhoff said he is moving to Los Angeles after he graduates, which makes coming back for the May commencement impossible.

Westhoff said the Toast would be a better replacement in absence of the Commencement.

“I personally know a lot of people in my department that have graduated in December mostly because we have to do an internship,” Westhoff said

Beth Russell, assistant provost for graduate studies, said improvements to the December Toast are being made.

“I was asked to elevate the December Toast, making it bigger and better than last year,” Russell said.

Information about the December Toast was distributed the first week of the academic school year. The venue was also changed to the Community Music School with a reception in the East Academic Building.

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