Not-so-happy birthday present


On March 17, North Korea warned the world it would fire an observation satellite into space on a long-range ballistic missile in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of their first leader, Kim Il-Sung. Il-Sung, the first North Korean Communist dictator, was born April 15, 1912, and died in July 1994. North Korea announced that the missile would be launched between April 12 and 16 to commemorate his 100th birthday.

While the world discusses the existence of Iranian nuclear weapons, North Korea is sending test missiles to outer space. North Korea is an immediate threat to the peace and security of the world.

To many, the launching is a test for their long-range missile — capable of carrying a nuclear weapon — which violates a United Nation’s resolution as well as an agreement between the United States and North Korea. The world, except China and Russia, as usual, has reacted strongly against North Korea’s unreasonable action.

All the nations in the world must unite and force North Korea to discontinue launching a long-range ballistic missile. China and Russia should no longer support North Korea. All the U.N. member nations need to put necessary pressures on North Korea, both politically and economically, by strictly observing the U.N. resolutions adopted against North Korea in the past.

The source of funding for North Korea’s armament is also questionable. The U.N. has shown that North Korea has been making money by secretly selling weapons, including missiles, missile technologies and nuclear technologies. A panel of experts monitoring the implementations of U.N. Security Council resolutions revealed in November 2010 that North Korea exports $100 million worth of conventional weapons and nuclear weapons technologies per year despite U.N. sanctions.

Furthermore, North Korea has already tested nuclear bombs twice in the past and has been developing means of transporting a nuclear weapon for quite some time.

North Korea is an aggressive nation; it likes to provoke and then soften its foreign policies. It is their favorite game. The world does not know how to deal with the problematic North Korea. The world has been trying to use the carrot and the stick to soothe the violent military nation and to invite it to the world community. But the efforts are in vain.

Like a fox, North Korea knows international promises and agreements exist only to break them. This dictatorial government does not obey the U.N. resolutions and international promises. North Korea’s aim is to continue to protect the ruling family’s autocratic and military regime by any means, fair or foul.

Recently, North Korea agreed to suspend long-range missiles, nuclear bomb tests and uranium enrichment activities. In exchange, the U.S. has promised to give food aid. But in a recent nuclear security summit in South Korea, President Barack Obama said the U.S. is ready to halt the aid unless the long-range missile testing stops.

It will not be enough unless China and Russia get behind the U.S. and also pledge to stop their aid to North Korea.

The U.N. member nations should take all the necessary and strong countermeasures to prevent North Korea from possessing any type of missiles and nuclear weapons. In order to accomplish their purposes, the world must remove the serious North Korean threat to world peace, security and stability.

Akira Komatsu is a senior global journalism major and a staff writer for The Journal.

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