Editorial: Preservation vs. Progress


The new East Academic Building will be officially opening its doors on Wednesday, March 28. Not only does the building have new classrooms for its students, but it is also LEED certified. The Journal welcomes this attempt at energy-efficiency.

The East Academic Building ushers in the next phase in the revamping of Webster University’s campus. It is another step in the newest Master Plan. One of the more controversial changes is the demolition of the Kirk House.

The Journal knows there have been concerns voiced by the students and some professors regarding this decision.

To those who want to preserve older buildings and also want the newest advancements in academics, they must realize it is not always possible. In order to build the newest building a parking lot was taken away. Webster is slowly running out of space, and until the university is able to extend past Lockwood Avenue, there won’t be too much more. While some want to preserve history, The Journal asks them to consider progress versus preservation.

The Journal would propose  to those most impacted by these decisions to  write to those in Webster Groves city government. Ask the elected officials to propose changes that benefit both the city and the university. It’s difficult to have to choose between preservation and progress.