Delegates’ Agenda discusses top five student concerns


On Tuesday, Oct. 4, about 70 students, faculty, staff and administrators convened in Sunnen Lounge for Delegates’ Agenda to address the top five issues of concern among student leaders. From 3 to 5 p.m., students presented issues to the audience, who then provided analysis and suggestions to the presenters.


Kris Parsons, senior international human rights major, and Erin Hindalong, junior media communications major, offered an ambitious proposal of a 100 percent renewable energy-powered campus by 2030. Parsons and Hindalong suggested Webster invest in motion sensor light switches and heating and cooling modules with timers. They also encouraged Webster to install low flow devices in bathrooms on campus and post a sustainability guidebook online for reference.


Finding precedence in the parking situation on campus, Claire Luning, sophomore scriptwriting major, and Emily Bahr, senior mathematics major, presented on transportation. The team proposed a Transportation Task Force to examine commuting trends and research solutions. Among the group’s suggestions were the creation of a shuttle route to bus students to and from campus, a commitment to foster better relations with MetroLink and the installation of more bike rakes on campus.

Conservatory Issues

Seanna Tucker, senior English and scriptwriting double major, Katie Maxwell, sophomore music education major and junior journalism major Devin Vogel presented on the issue of Conservatory student integration with the rest of the campus community. The group alleged because of strict class schedules, Conservatory students were prevented from participating in Student Government Association and other campus activities on Tuesday afternoons.

The group also provided video illustrating the decaying conditions of Stage Three, found under the Winfred-Moore Auditorium.

Dissemination of Information

Sam Jones, junior secondary education social studies and history major, and Chris Robinson, international human rights major, challenged the university to make further improvements for information output. Creating uniformity and searchability among the webpage network was a concern of the group. The duo also proposed that Webster provide greater informational support through text-messaging and create a blog specifically for student activities and information, similar to the Webster Today blog.

Dining Options

Stephanie Lefler, broadcast journalism major, and Akshaya Sharma, sophomore economics and international business double major, offered a number of suggestions to improve campus dining. The pair proposed the creation of an off-campus meal option for students. The also advocated for the purchase of healthier ingredients. Lefler and Sharma explained dining managerial maneuvers could offset the higher cost of these foods. Along with these proposals, the group suggested Webster look to purchase more ingredients from local providers in an effort to improve relations with the community.

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