Tuvan throat singers perform at Webster

BLAKE TOULOU/ The Journal Ayan-ool Sam and Ayan Shirizhik of Alash, throat singers from Tuva.

Imagine a smooth baritone voice singing deep from the stomach. Now swirl it with a soft light sound that resembles a small bird. Both of these sounds came from the throats of a four singers from Tuva, located in a small republic in Central Asia.

Tuvan throat singers performed on Tuesday, April 12 at 12 p.m. in the Emerson Library conference room.

A section of the religious studies department along with the Center for International Education, Bridges Program and the Vice-President of finance, hosted the group of Tuvan quartet singers who have perfected the art of throat singing.

“It’s never boring,” said Sean Quirke, the manager and interpreter of the band.

Only a few seats were left in the library conference room. It was full of people who were unsure as to what they were going to hear that afternoon.

Amanda Karas, a freshman undecided major, was attending for a class.

“I’m hoping for a really cool performance,” Karas said.

BLAKE TOULOU/ The Journal Ayan-ool Sam of Alash, throat singers from Tuva, plays the doshpuluur, igil and guitar during the performance, April 12 in the Emerson Library conference room.

The Tuvan throat singers call themselves Alash, and claim they are bringing the best new-old music from Tuva.

Bady-Dorzhu Ondar, Ayan-ool Sam, Ayan Shirizhik and Nachyn Choodu are the gentlemen who smile while performing or close their eyes gently to belt out the tunes.

Ondar and Sam both play guitars while Shirizhik stuck to the drum. Choodu is also a master of the guitar, but manages to pick up other foreign instruments throughout the performance.

Although these four men are from the same country, each of their voices are unique. Their voices can resemble that of a small bird, the whistle of a breezy day or the low pitch of a camel as well as other sounds.

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