What happens on Facebook doesn’t stay on Facebook


I have friends on Facebook who I don’t talk to anymore.  I am updated about every week or so with their latest activities.
It doesn’t make me feel awkward when I scan through some of their photos and “like” a couple because they’re cool or pretty.
But when I see a fellow user post a paternity test to Facebook, that’s when I’m like … really? That’s taking it too far. Of course you could tell me, “If you don’t like it, don’t look at it,” but that defeats the purpose of Facebook.
My argument focuses on the privacy of Facebook; people are honestly willing to let the world know about their daily lives. Am I saying people shouldn’t post their recent photos about their awesome Puerto Rico trip? No, but I am saying that people are going too far when they post their latest sexual escapades on said social media.
Facebook cures my need for narcissism. I might have a tiny bit of it located under my fingernail or scalp. But when I post a status or a mobile picture I wonder what my Facebook family might think of it. I can’t wait to laugh at the responses because I’ve shared a little bit of my day with a bunch of people I can’t see regularly.
I recently found out that a relative of mine is pregnant. I cannot tell you how ecstatic I was when I found out. But the next turn of events shocked me.
Every status update was about the happy couple and their expectations from the stork in months to come. Then the pictures started flooding my news feed on Facebook about her stomach and how much it was growing. Of course this wasn’t a bad thing and I was still happy for them.
But when I saw an ultrasound photo on Facebook, I could only slap my forehead with my hand. In my imaginary world, people (in person) crowd around an ultrasound photo and coo at it and congratulate the happy couple. There is something creepy about posting an ultrasound photo for everyone in your friend group to see (which will probably be about 150+) or cutting into a cake with an ultrasound photo on it.
As stated before, a Facebook friend has allowed me to see the DNA results between her and the father of the baby. What made matters worse is that I’m friends with the father as well.
See, I would have never been involved with the drama between that couple if it hadn’t been posted to Facebook and quite frankly, I don’t think it’s my business.
Websites such as MediaTakeOut.com have posted thousands of incidents where people are posting questionable photos to Facebook without a second thought. Pictures of half-naked photos taken in the bathroom, or asking their Facebook crew if they should have an abortion is quite ridiculous.
I’ve even seen the website show statuses giving detailed descriptions on their latest affair. The level of privacy people are willing to give up perplexes me into astonishment.
At one time we didn’t have privacy as citizens and now it’s as if we don’t value it anymore.
I wonder how many times some people have to hear about someone losing their job or getting into trouble on Facebook by posting something because one person saw it and things were changed forever.
How exactly am I not supposed to judge when the evidence given to me is overwhelming? Facebook has only existed for seven years and I will say that I’m nervous about the future.

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