Webster seeks petition signatures against passage of Eden ordinance


With six days left until the third and final reading of Ordinance 8753, Webster University’s Global Marketing and Communications Office attempted to rally support from students, faculty and staff at the Involvement Fair on Wednesday, Aug. 29.

A petition addressed to Webster Groves City Council members asked the council to vote no on Ordinance 8753. The ordinance will limit the lease or sale of property at Eden Seminary.

Barb Ehnes, director of community and media communications, collected signatures from fairgoers.

Ehnes said signatures were collected to make signees aware of the issue and get them more involved in the civic process.

Ehnes attended the Involvement Fair on behalf of the Global Marketing and Communications Office.

The body of the petition is posted below in italics.

The third and final reading of Ordinance 8753 will take place at the Webster Groves City Council meeting on Sept. 4 at 7:30 p.m at City Hall.

 “To Webster Groves City Council Members,

I believe Webster University is a valued and contributing member of the Webster Groves community and has been for almost 100 years. The university brings prestige to the community by being a thriving and highly regarded institution, as well as providing us with consistently outstanding cultural and educational offerings.

Please give Webster University the support it deserves and vote NO on Bill 8753.”

The third and final reading of Ordinance 8753 will take place at the Webster Groves City Council meeting on Sept. 4 at 7:30 p.m. The ordinance will limit the leasing or sale of property at Eden Seminary.


Reporting by Julie Turek

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