Webster Wellness: Acupuncture on campus


Webster Wellness hosted free acupuncture sessions on Feb. 8 with Dr. Kade Stotler, a certified acupuncturist. These were 20-minute sessions on a multitude of topics like body pain, insomnia, anxiety, chronic stress, depression and more. 

“[The event] gives students, staff and faculty a chance to experience what acupuncture can do for them. There are benefits to receiving acupuncture such as decreasing anxiety, controlling chronic pain, even digestive issues,” said Lori Bosma, deputy Title IX and human resources coordinator at Webster University.

Graphic by Kenzie Akins.

With exposure to acupuncture, the Webster community is able to become more informed. Becoming more educated about the topic has the potential to spark interest in people.

“Providing a free session allows for the community to try something they may have been nervous to try,” Bosma said. “The idea is that these activities also encourage participants to incorporate them into their personal lives, as well.”

Webster Wellness hosts events to benefit the Webster community. 

“Statistically, offering wellness programming increases morale and encourages work-life balance, which in turn creates a Gorlok culture of health and wellness,” Bosma said. 

Webster Wellness aims to improve life at Webster and offers resources to do so. 

Created in 2021 during the pandemic, their “Wellness Wednesdays” help to promote the Gorlok culture of health and wellness for the entire community. 

“Webster Wellness’ objective is to promote a culture of wellness where wellness is expected and valued, rather than an afterthought,” Bosma said. 

“Granting the ability for the Webster community to participate in free wellness programming that is part of their work or school day, encourages students, staff and faculty to take a break out of their work day to participate in something that is good for them,” Bosma said.

Acupuncture originated in China with contributions from other countries in Asia, such as Japan, Korea and Taiwan. The acupuncturist at the Webster Wellness event, Dr. Stotler, studied and trained in the craft for several years. 

“The medicine alone offers hope and inspiration. When people feel better, hope is a lovely natural consequence. I am honored to be able to practice a medicine that offers this healing and hope to humanity,” Dr. Kade Stotler said.

Stotler presented at the event. They spoke of types of problems that college students may deal with and how acupuncture can be a potential solution. 

“My passion as a non-binary-identified doctor of acupuncture medicine is to educate and make sure my medicine is safe and accessible for persons of all genders, identities, races, nationalities, abilities, education, sizes and ages,” Stotler said. 

Stotler has been a licensed acupuncturist in Colorado since 2019 and owns a private practice at Golden Oak Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine, located at 1034 Childress Ave., St. Louis. 

“The biggest reward is watching my clients leave my office in relief and feeling physically and emotionally healthier and able to live their lives closer to their desires,” Stotler said. 

Webster’s acupuncture event was so popular, it needed a wait list. Webster Wellness plans on hosting it again, according to Bosma.