Wear the mask properly, please


What is the point of even wearing the mask if you are not going to put it on properly? Keeping your nose out is like wearing pants with the button undone and the zipper down. Sure, you have the right idea, but you are missing a key element.

Face masks are required at almost all establishments in the St. Louis County area. The masks are there to protect you and the people around you. On display at almost every establishment I have been to in the past few months is a diagram on how to properly wear a mask. If there is an image on display clearly stating how to wear a mask, why are so many people still wearing theirs incorrectly?

It is time to pull the mask up over your nose. The mask is intended to cover both the mouth and nose and it looks silly when you are wearing it incorrectly around a bunch of people wearing theirs properly. Your nose plays a vital role in potentially becoming infected with COVID-19. Stop wearing your mask in a way that everyone knows is incorrect.

As someone who has been working in the customer service industry since the start of the pandemic, there is nothing more frustrating to me than having to help people who refuse to properly wear a mask. At this point, it is an act of ignorance and blatant disregard of one’s own health and that of those around them. If I have to wear my mask correctly to work, you should have to wear yours correctly to receive service. There is not one study out there that says masks should be worn beneath the nose. For decades, doctors have worn their masks above their noses not only in surgery, but even in general check-ups. This is because potential infection is everywhere and your nose will pick up on that just as quickly as your mouth.

What is the point of even wearing the mask if you are not going to put it on properly? Keeping your nose out is like wearing pants with the button undone and the zipper down. Sure, you have the right idea, but you are missing a key element.

If it is a matter of the mask slipping down, then you should find a new mask. There are many tips and tricks out there to help keep masks on smaller faces from slipping down and exposing your nose. Companies are working on making masks of many sizes to fit different face shapes, so it is not an excuse to walk around with a loose mask just because yours does not fit. You are potentially endangering all of the people around you by refusing to wear your mask properly.

Infections are still on the rise, and people are dying daily. Take some responsibility and pull up the mask. You could be contributing to the spread of illness by not taking the mask mandates seriously and it is hurting the members of our community. Even if you do not believe you are sick, as many of us now know, there are asymptomatic carriers of the virus. You could have the virus right now and have no idea. Stay safe, wash your hands and wear the mask over your nose.

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Abby Frye (she/her) was the managing editor (Spring 2022) and lifestyle editor (Fall 2020) for The Journal.