Trump-era legislation has positive effects


President Donald Trump cares about people.

Want me to be more specific?

President Donald Trump cares about victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. He cares about veterans and Native Americans and terminally ill patients.

Well, at least his legislation does, and really that is all we should care about. Don’t get me wrong, my perfect president would not have affairs or ego contests with other countries’ officials and definitely would not use the official POTUS Twitter account as a personal diary.

But if I have to choose between a decent human being or powerful legislation, I will choose the legislation every time. Do whatever and whoever you want in your free time, just make sure you’re always doing the best for our country.

The United States has had truly terrible presidents. Multiple presidents have had affairs, low approval ratings and have been caught in lies. The difference between a bad president and a bad person is the legislation.

Herbert Hoover repeatedly denied aid – food and shelter – to Americans in the Great Depression for fear of endangering capitalism. Millard Fillmore passed legislation that allowed slave owners to use federal officers to hunt down runaway slaves.

That isn’t right. Hoover and Fillmore could have been the most cordial people ever, and they wouldn’t get my vote because the legislation was wrong for America.

I support Trump’s legislation.

I support legislation like the “Trickett Wendler, Frank Mongiello, Jordan McLinn, and Matthew Bellina Right to Try Act of 2017.” This act provides terminally ill patients with the opportunity to use eligible drugs still under investigation by the FDA.

People who don’t have months and years to wait for a drug to be cleared, now have a process to obtain a possible cure.

I support the POWER Act, that requires the U.S Attorney’s Office to hold public events promoting pro bono legal services for victims of domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault.

If the judicial district contains any Native American tribes, they must partner with a tribe or tribal organization specifically for promoting these services to Native Americans or Alaska Native victims.This assistance provides legal representation, child care, transportation, and emergency shelter.

I support the “Ashlynne Mike AMBER Alert in Indian Country Act,” that now integrates the AMBER Alert system into Native American reservations. Prior to this act, many reservations did not have the resources to use the AMBER Alert system.This legislation ensures Department of Justice grants are used to help assemble the alert system on reservations.

It is perfectly fine to to hate our president. You can despise and disagree with his personal life, and feel free to do the same with his policies.

What is not ok is being uninformed.

We cannot expect to be a well-informed society by obtaining our news through social media platforms that tailor what we see to match our likes and interests.

I’m not saying I agree with all his policies, because I don’t. But this legislation is taking steps towards something great, and it is getting minimal coverage. I spoke with domestic abuse organizations in St. Louis that had no idea these laws had ever been proposed.

You can hate Trump all you want, but you must also give credit where credit is due.

Credit for legislation working to save the abducted children from Native American reservations.

Credit for legislation that gives time for victims of sexual and domestic abuse to find the courage to fight back.

Agreeing with the legislation does not mean you’re supporting the person behind it, it means you’re supporting the people who need it.