SGA is excited for Black History Month


Written for The Journal by Zoe Burton

It is Black History Month, and I am not sure if the Student Government Association has ever gone out of its way to sponsor or do something for this month. The fact that SGA has remained relatively monochromatic the last couple of years probably has something to do with it, but that is not the point I am here to make. I am truly wanting to make a difference, and I need help.

I would like to encourage my fellow brothers and sisters to run for open positions in SGA. There is power in wanting to make a difference, and there is power in having a heart to serve the community you are a part of. Do not let fear dictate your domain of possibilities. Strive to be the Maxine Waters of the world. Be bold. All advancements started with a person that said “no” to fear and “yes” to transformation.

President Barack Obama started his path to change by beginning with the community he was a part of. Imagine if every single person around you took the time to really invest in their community. The community would be overflowing with so much greatness it would be contagious.

Many pillars in the Black community sought to give others the chance to spread their greatness just like everyone else. They by lead by example fighting for equal rights, shamelessly promoting their artistic crafts and educating people about the truth in our nation’s history. These leaders include Michelle Obama, Mae C. Jemison, Jesse Williams, Jimmie Briggs, James Baldwin, Shirley Chisholm, Bree Newsome, Toni Morrison, Snoop Dogg and many, many more

Black History and Black excellence, in general, should be celebrated for more than just one month of the year. It should be celebrated year-round and by many people. Black people pillaged, fought, and held up a lot of what the United States has today. I know for myself. I hold to my faith and to the fact that my ancestors fought for my right to education and opportunity to be a difference in the world. The opportunities placed in my path are not to be taken for granted.

To spread the love, SGA’s Gorlok Glow Party will be happening in the Grant Gymnasium, Friday, February 23, 2018 starting at 9pm. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that.” Dr. King is a prominent African American figure and often spotlighted during Black History month because of his success spreading activism and wisdom to all people. We wanted to spread the positive message he had about being the light of the world, so please come celebrate with us. There will be free t-shirts given to the first 100 people that attend and stay, as well as a photo booth, tons of food, fun, and music.
Also, as a personal disclaimer: please DO NOT hit up my personal inbox about the Student Grant Fund unless it is a last resort. The email to reach me about anything regarding SGA is [email protected]. I love y’all, I really do, but it would make my job a whole lot better sending anything regarding my job to my job email. Thank you in advance. Stay woke.

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