Webster’s women soccer team won the National Soccer Coaches Association of America’s (NSCAA) Silver Team Ethics and Sportsmanship Award for 2016. It was the fifth straight year the team received this honor.
One of the requirements for the award is teams cannot receive any red cards and a certain amount of yellow cards during the season. The Gorloks had four yellow cards during its 21 game season.
Head coach Luigi Scire said costly penalties alter the team’s game plan and take away from what they want to accomplish. He also said discipline and staying mentally tough is the key to success for the Gorloks.
“Sportsmanship requires our players and coaches to conduct themselves in an honorable way on the field, as well as off the field,” Scire said. “We strive to play within the rules and respect our opponents and officials.”
Director of Athletics Scott Kilgallon said he is proud of how the women’s soccer team conducts itself. He also said Coach Scire and his staff deserves credit for the award.
“You can be the best player in the world, but if you act like a jerk we don’t want you,” Kilgallon said. “What we want to see, win or lose, you worked hard and done it the right way – the sporting way if you will.”
Webster University was one of only 96 college teams from all divisions nationwide (Division I, II, and III, NAIA, NCCAA) that were recognized.
Kilgallon said it was an impressive accomplishment for the team to receive the award.
“Definitely kudos to our coaching staff and players for executing that type of play,” Kilgallon said. “They are pretty good, too. That usually happens when your sportsmanship is great, you are going to be focused on the game.”
Scire said he credits his seniors and captains for their leadership, hard work and passion for the game. He said they have created a tone for the rest of the team.
“Good sportsmanship is respecting your opponents,” Scire said. “Being humble when you win and having proper perspective when you lose. This is how we approach every game and season.”
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