Auxiliary parking a step in the right direction


dsc_2531I always get extremely annoyed when fellow students complain about parking at Webster.  Hearing classmates say they could not make it to class on time because they could not find a parking spot makes me cringe. I want to scream at them to either get to campus earlier, or go to the top of the parking garage, where there are always spots. It is definitely a pet peeve of mine and I probably need to relax about it, but it is frustrating to hear people complain when I have never had a problem. However, this semester students have a right to complain, especially students like me who hate being late.

When construction began on Webster’s Interdisciplinary Science Building last semester, I knew things would be a little hectic for students in regards to parking. I still was not worried and started my last semester at Webster as I usually do, getting to class early to find a spot. Everything was fine at first because my class starts early enough that there were plenty of open spots. Things were different in the afternoon. I arrived on campus about 45 minutes before class started and went straight to the top of the parking garage in order to position myself to walk further, so I could try to hatch Pokémon eggs. At the top of the garage I discovered there were zero parking spots available, something that has never happened to me at Webster. I brushed it off and continued to look through the garage and could not find a single spot. I ventured outside the garage to try to find another spot and still nothing. I ended up having to shout at people from my car to ask if they were leaving so I could park and barely make it to class on time.

I was not even mad about the situation. I assumed things would get better and I would even get to class earlier. The situation has not improved and it is becoming extremely annoying. Seeing Nerinx students parking in the bottom level of the parking garage did not make things better. When I checked with public safety, I was told the Nerinx students were allowed to park there.

According to Patrick Giblin, director of public relations, Nerinx compensated Webster with more property so they could build the bigger parking garage. I understand the new parking garage will provide more space in the future. I appreciate the effort the administration has made to help, now allowing all permit holders to park in the auxiliary space at the YMCA. Hopefully this will help things in the coming weeks because I am having a hard time with parking. Carpooling or biking to work is not an option for me because I have two small children who I have to pick up every day. If things do not get better, Webster should create additional auxiliary lots for commuters. If things do not improve I will have to get used to shouting at people from my car.

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