Update: (7:12 p.m.) Power has been restored to the Webster Groves campus after a 16 hour span where several buildings were without electricity. Check back with The Journal for the full story.
Update: (6 p.m.) According to Housing and Residential Life, Maria and Marletto’s are still without power. Internet is also down throughout the entire campus. Residential Life will be providing pizza for residents at Marletto’s from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
An Ameren UE power outage affecting the Webster Groves campus occurred this morning. The outage is affecting multiple buildings, services and possibly some IT computer systems, according to a university spokesperson.
The outage, apparently caused by a fire at an off-campus property, occurred at 4:30 a.m. this morning.
The length and size of the outage is currently unknown. A university spokesperson said university staff are working to resolve the issue in an email.
“While Ameren and university staff are working to determine the scope and duration of the issue, more information will be made available on the front page of the website,” wrote Webster Associate Director of Communications Christine Eason in an email. “University staff have worked to minimize the impact on campus students, including making alternate arrangements for food service and planned campus activities.”
The Journal will update this story as it develops.
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[…] Campus Blackout: Webster’s home campus loses power in most of its buildings due to an off-campus fire that caused an Ameren UE blackout. […]
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