Peer counseling program expanding after pilot run


By Lara Hardman

Patrick Stack, director of counseling and life development, envisions the growth of peer education programs across the sub-cultures of students on campus. He said the first department to partake in the new program will be the Art Department.

He oversaw a peer counseling pilot program during the last spring term in West Hall.

“The results were mixed to tell you the truth” he said.

He said a lot of students utilized the program but student counselors needed to have responsibility and make sure they were on time.

Student counselors in the Peer Educator Program at Webster will be required to have 8-12 hours of counselor training. The training will focus on teaching peer educators how to care for the students they help, listening skills, confrontation skills, resources on campus, ethics and programming.

“The goal of the program is to create positive environmental change,” Stack said.

Webster University still offers the original model of counseling, in which students can see counselors in the Student Health and Counseling department, faculty members or adults in Sodexo.

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