Student Government makes 51 percent cut to club budgets


Webster Student Government Association (SGA) is cutting all student run organization’s budgets by 51 percent.

SGA President Katie Maxwell said the across the board cut to club’s budgets came as a result of the amount of money allocated to student organizations not fluctuating with a growing university.

“It’s always been the same amount. It hasn’t fluctuated in a great deal of time, based on enrollment, inflation, tuition adjustment, anything of that sort,” Maxwell said. “Our number of student organizations has increased.”

SGA Sergeant-at-Arms Chris Hawk spoke at the setting of the Delegates’ Agenda about the allocation.

“Good news, our campus activity life is growing and growing and growing. Bad news, right now we’re at an unsustainable amount of growth for the amount of money that we have,” Hawk said.

Maxwell said SGA will doing what they can to help clubs adjust to the 51 percent cut.

“Moving forward, as long as they (clubs) understand that we are doing everything we can to, not only to lessen the blow, but to try to help them alleviate their concerns,” Maxwell said.

SGA has set plans in motion to acquire further funding of student life from the administration. Maxwell said she is confident the administration will do what is necessary to aid student organizations.

“We’ll be moving forward with a request for an allocation fund,” Maxwell said. “The students are a priority for the administration.”

SGA held their semester Officer’s Summit on Feb 7. At the summit, Delegates’ Agenda items were voted on by students who chose to participate. Increased funding for student activities was the most voted for topic at the summit.


  1. […] Association (SGA) which then disperses it amongst the student organizations, this fund was recently cut by 51 percent. Tied for second was an increase in student activity fees to better fund the student activities […]

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