Students decide topics for spring Delegates’ Agenda at SGA Officer’s Summit


Increased funding for student organization activities was the most voted for topic at the spring setting of the Delegates’ Agenda. The funding goes through the Student Government Association (SGA) which then disperses it amongst the student organizations, this fund was recently cut by 51 percent. Tied for second was an increase in student activity fees to better fund the student activities department, it was tied with providing tuition benefits to Sodexo workers.

SGA president Katie Maxwell said she was excited the increased funding for student organizations made the top five of the 22 topics presented.

Maxwell said the popularity of those two topics had to do with the majority of those that voted being student club leaders or members of SGA.

“Even though setting of delegates agenda is open to everyone. It is mostly student organizations officers that come and the organizations are the ones affected the most by the budget cuts,” Maxwell said.

Delegates Agenda is a chance for representatives of the student body to present topics of concern to senior administration and then receive a response. Projects that have originated in Delegates Agenda are Gorlok Bucks, Metro passes and the commuter lounge landscaping.

Two weeks prior to the setting a survey was sent out to the student body asking for topics to be considered for Delegates Agenda. Out of the five topics chosen two of them were from the survey.

The final vote tallied:

24 votes — Address SGA allocation funding issues (From the survey)

18 votes — Increase the student activity fee

18 votes — Provide tuition benefits for contract workers such as Sodexo workers

17 votes — On-campus car rental option for students

16 votes — Increase budget jobs for students (From the survey)

Top survey topics such as ADP, declining graduate student scholarships and course offerings were not chosen.

SGA Sergeant-at-Arms Chris Hawk said that while some of the more popular topics on the survey were not chosen that those in attendance for the setting of delegates agenda know what they are doing.

“I think of the choices that were made, they were the highest voted choices that have the opportunity to get something done,” Hawk said.

The topics will be presented to the administration on Feb. 20. The Journal will continue coverage of the chosen topics check back next week both next week and online at