SGA hosts Financial Aid Public Forum


By Macy Salama

Alexander Bonney, Student Government Association (SGA) School of Communications Senator, stated his concerns on how financial aid at Webster University is handling student financial aid paperwork.

“I have heard multiple concerns on students getting told that their information has been lost after sent to financial aid,” said Bonney to Webster University representatives at the SGA meeting on Tuesday, March 19.

“You probably will not hear that concern anymore…Security of information is critical,” said Financial Aid Director James Myers. Myers along with Anne Edmunds Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management at Webster University, and Assistant Bursar Harold Deuser were present at the meeting to answer concerns students may have.

A portion of the SGA meeting was a public forum for students to express concerns to financial aid. However, less than 10 non-SGA students attended.

Myers said Financial Aid Office now has two consistent, committed workers to attend the front desk.

Bonney said he thinks consistent workers at the Financial Aid front desk will help lessen the confusion of paperwork.

Myers took the position of Financial Aid Director at Webster University in September 2012. Myers made it clear that students would not have to worry about information being lost anymore.

Myers plans to send a survey to students via email during Fall 2013. The survey will have an estimated 50 questions to find specific situations and concerns students may have regarding financial aid.

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