News Briefs


Sustainability conference dates announced

The second annual sustainability conference will be Friday and Saturday, April 12-13. The conference is hosted by the Webster University Sustainability Coalition.

 The theme will be “Sustainability: Our Common Future.” Chair of Environmental Studies at Oberlin College (Ohio), David Orr, is the keynote speaker.

 Webster is now accepting submissions for presentations, panels, workshops and posters for the conference.  The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, Jan. 15.

 The conference will be held in the East Academic Building and the Community Music School on Webster’s home campus. The subthemes for the conference will be “Water: The Ultimate Resource,” “Collaboration: University, Business and Community,” “St. Louis: Our Common Past” and “Education: Teaching for Global Sustainability.”


Students advance to semifinals in Missouri music competition

Fourteen Webster University students progressed to the semifinal level of the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) Missouri state competition.

  Eighteen students competed in the contest on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 26-27.

Freshman Randell McGee and senior Emma Sorenson took first place in their categories.

 Junior Caroline Camp was a second-place finisher. Freshman Connor Scott, junior Lauren Honz and junior Dominic Mendoza received honorable mentions in their categories.

The NATS competition took place at William Jewell College in western Missouri. The event consisted of three rounds in categories, based on age and experience, capped by a winners recital.


Yolanda Kakabadse visits Webster for second time

Yolanda Kakabadse will return to Webster University for the second time for sessions on sustainability. Kakabadse is the president of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) International, and the first Global Leader in Residence in the George Herbert Walker School of Business and Technology.

Her first session, “Ideas for One Planet Sustainability,” will be Nov. 7 and will address the challenges of sustainability through student teams in St. Louis. On Nov. 8, a session called “Agree to Disagree: Managing Conflict for a Sustainable World” will be held. It will be a session about her life and experiences with environmental, social, cultural and economic sustainability.

Both sessions will be held in the East Academic Building Edward Jones Commons.


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