Webster selects James Myers as financial aid director


Webster University has selected James Myers as the new director of financial aid. Myers, currently the director of financial aid at McKendree University in Lebanon, Ill., will assume the role in September, said Barbara O’Malley, Webster’s chief communications officer. Myers was one of two finalists for the position.
The previous director of financial aid, Jonathan Gruett, is now a financial aid counselor. Job ads for the position were posted May 18 on Webster’s job opportunities page.
Those sitting on the search committee who selected Myers were:
—Alan Anthony, financial aid representative from the Kansas City Metropolitan Campus;
—Andrew Laue, director of undergraduate admissions;
—Don Morris, university registrar;
—Sarah Nandor, director of graduate and transfer admissions;
—Jody Patterson, bursar
—Curt Vehlewald, director of accounting.

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