Upcoming Webster events

PHOTO BY BRITTANY RUESS / The Journal Kylie Schweiss, senior photography major, stops in the May Gallery to look at the photos in the new exhibit which features students from more than 90 schools.

Three galleries and a concert finish the semester in style

As the fall semester comes to an end, several events offer students an opportunity to take a break from studying for their finals.

The May Gallery

Students from 90 schools currently have photos hanging in the May Photography Gallery on the second floor of the Sverdrup building at Webster University. The photos are part of the 2011 Photo Imaging Education Association’s (PIEA) annual exhibit, on display in the May Gallery Dec. 2 through 16. Webster has hosted the exhibit 12 times since 2001. However, due to funding issues, this year may be the last year PIEA holds the competition and exhibit.

Elementary school, high school and college students representing nine countries entered the competition.  The opening reception is Friday, Dec. 2 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Admission is free.

A gallery talk featuring Mark Murray, coordinator of technology systems for Arlington Independent School District, and Stan Godwin, photography teacher and program coordinator at Texas A&M University-Commerce, will be held in Sverdrup Room 101 at 3 p.m. on Dec. 2. Murray and Godwin will discuss the jury process for competitions and what students should know when submitting their work in the professional world.

WAC Art Show

Artwork of 38 Webster University students will be displayed in the Mad Art Gallery, 2727 S. 12th Street, starting Dec. 2.

The Webster Arts Coalition (WAC) collaborated with the Webster University Art History Society (Webster AHS) and American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) to put the art show, titled “An Unlikely Coincidence of Haptic Hermeneutics,” together.

The exhibit’s opening reception is Friday, Dec. 2 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. A shuttle will be available in front of Emerson Library at the top of every hour from 7 to 10:30 p.m. The shuttle will make trips back to the library at the end of each hour.

A variety of platforms will be used in the gallery show including photography, video, performance, painting and sculpture. Bryan Toben and Lola Hennicke will perform with their band, Afternoon Blue, on Friday at the gallery.

“I think that (the opportunity for a public art show) is the sort of thing a lot of students are really excited about,” Madeline Brenner, senior art major and president of WAC, said.

World Aids Day Concert

Webster LGBTQ Alliance is hosting Webster University’s 5th Annual World Aids Day Concert in the Sunnen Lounge on Saturday, Dec. 3.

The concert is free, and Webster LGBTQ Alliance will accept donations for the American Foundation for AIDS Research.

Christopher Robinson, Webster LGBTQ Alliance president, said the Alliance wants to raise awareness of HIV. Free HIV testing will be available at the concert to give students the resources to know their status.

“I think a lot of people don’t realize that everyone is at risk for HIV and AIDS,” Robinson said.

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the concert starts at 7 p.m. Two returning performers, Andrea Gibson, a spoken word artist from Colorado, and Juilie Schurr, a St. Louis folk artist, will be featured at the concert.

The Hunt Gallery

The Cecile Hunt Gallery’s exhibit “We Buy Gold” opens Dec. 9 and continues through Jan. 28. Visiting assistant art professor Tate Foley worked on the exhibit’s art for more than six months.

Foley is most excited about his piece “Honor System,” which shows a Google or clip art image of gold. Next to the image will be a coffee can, which gallery visitors can place money in to “invest” in the gold they see pictured.

The inflation of gold inspired Foley’s exhibit, which includes prints, drawings, paintings and photographs.


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