The Galaxy keeps it local

Michael Lefever, a freshman audio production major, responds to questions while being interviewed by The Galaxy for The Local Project. Lefever is a one-man band. He plays guitar, drums, bongos and performs his own vocals. PHOTO BY KATELYN GOSIK

As part of the station’s new branding, Galaxy Radio has shifted its focus to “The Local Project,” an outlet for local artists to promote music in the area.

“In years past, we didn’t follow through on a lot of our new ideas that could have made the radio station successful,” said Galaxy Radio marketing director Randal Herndon (also known as DJ Twinny Twin). “We want to take a different approach this year and become the new Galaxy Radio.”

The Local Project was founded in late 2010 by program director and host Jake Videmschek and staff member John Schwartz. To date, Videmschek has conducted 20 episodes of the project.  The episodes, which feature local bands from various genres, can be found in the online archives at the Galaxy website.

The goal this year is to have as many Local Project episodes as possible. The local band of the week, which is chosen by a staff member, is interviewed on the air. The interview then goes on the Galaxy website along with pictures or compilations the band brings with them to the studio. Along with the on-air interview, the band has the option to do an in-studio performance.

This week’s local artist and episode 20 of the Local Project was Michael Lefever, a freshman audio production major. He was approached to do an episode after Videmschek and project manager Tara Graves reviewed his album “Distracted Attractions.” Lefever will be the first official live performer for the Local Project.

“I am new to the music scene here,” Lefever said. “I am always ready to talk music or hold a jam session.”

The Galaxy is not only focusing on musicians this year.

“We are also looking to get involved with the local comedy scene,” Herndon said. “Comedy is also a growing market in St. Louis with lots of potential.”

The Galaxy is always looking to find new artists to contact.

“Attracting local bands is really word-of-mouth,” Videmschek said. “I play in the local scene, so I run into bands who might be interested when I’m out at shows.”

The Local Project was created to give artists an outlet to share their music, but it also gives Galaxy DJs and staff a chance to exercise their interviewing skills.

For more information, contact Jake Videmschek at



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