Webster shuttles transport voters to the polls


During a rainy election day at Webster University’s home campus, shuttles are available to bring students to their polling places from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  

Enrollment Management and Student Affairs is providing the service.

Joseph Schreiber talks to Webster College Democrats president Megan Price while waiting for a shuttle to the polls / Photo by Yue Zhang

Students can wait for a pick-up outside of Emerson Library or West Hall Circle. Two minivans shuttle back and forth to polling locations and park at the pickup locations when not actively shuttling.  

Webster employees signed up for shifts to drive students to the polling locations. Once they hop on the shuttle, students are asked to leave their name, number and polling location on a sheet for record, in case they get left out due to shift changing.

Freshman Mina Jackson said she would have had to take a bus to vote if not for the shuttle service.

“It’s really nice that Webster have free shuttles for everyone,” Jackson said.

This is Jackson’s first time voting; she voted for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton despite some concerns about Clinton’s  email problems..

“I think she is still a good, qualified candidate,” Jackson said.

Sophomore Joseph Schreiber did not know about the shuttle service until he by the library.

“It’s really nice,” Schreiber said. “I was gonna go bike to my voting station, but since it’s raining [I couldn’t].”

Schreiber has dual citizenship in the United States and Costa Rica. He voted for Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson.

“I just don’t like the two major candidates. I know sometimes they have done worse things than others,” Schreiber said. “I just feel like it is important that we make a third party viable in the future.”

Volunteer employees manned Webster’s voting shuttles / Photo by Yue Zhang

Schreiber said he would have abstained from voting if not for the service.

“It’s quite convenient. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to vote today because I don’t have a way down there and the weather it’s pretty incompetent,” Schreiber  said.

Student can call housing and residential life at 314-246-4663 for more information or to request a shuttle pick-up.

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