Super Bowl superstar

Greg Fink, a 2011 Webster Conservatory graduate, landed the first audition he ever attended after moving to Los Angeles. The commercial, which Fink starred in was run Sunday during the SuperBowl. PHOTO COURTESY OF GREG FINK


On Super Bowl Sunday, Julian Williams, senior audio major, watched coverage of the game at the Post Sports Bar & Grill on Manchester Rd. With 1 minute, 40 seconds left on the timer, the game cut to commercial. An advertisement for came on, and Williams ran throughout the bar, pointing at each TV yelling, “That’s my roommate! That’s my roommate!”

Williams’ former roommate and 2011 Webster Conservatory graduate Greg Fink made his TV debut this Super Bowl Sunday on a 1 minute, 43 second commercial for

Fink who graduated last May, landed the role after moving to Los Angeles last September. The audition for this commercial was the first he ever attended in L.A.

“To get that first audition and then to get the actual part afterwards, that was the best feeling in the world,” Fink said. “I was on cloud nine.”

Fink moved to L.A. to pursue a career in television acting. Fink now has an agent, but at the time of his commercial, he represented himself through a L.A. based casting website.

After being discovered by the casting directors, Fink was asked to audition.

“The description (of the role) was, ‘stonerish, guy on a couch kind of character,’” Fink said. “It was clearly a role that was good for me. I got to relax and be myself.”

Williams said he recognized Fink in the character he played for the commercial.

“I watched it and I was like, ‘That’s Fink, that’s his personality to a T,’” Williams said. “I was really excited because he had been acting here for four years and had been talking about doing commercials and TV.”

The commercial starts with a scene of Fink and another actor sitting on a couch. After  a bright flash of light, they are suddenly transported to a cloud. The

Pussycat Dolls were also in the commercial, acting as angels.

Click here to view the commercial on YouTube.

Jordan Parente, junior musical theater major, acted in plays with Fink during his time at Webster.

“It’s cool to see someone fresh out of school moving to L.A. and already getting work,” Parente said. “That’s everyone’s hope, that we can work right away.”

Fink starred in several productions at Webster, including “On the Razzle,” “The Government Inspector,” and “The Winter’s Tale,” as well as playing a role in the Repertory Theatre of St. Louis’ “MacBeth.”

His interest in acting was first sparked when he was five years old. He did Elvis impersonations at his church.

“I’m usually the comedic guy,” Fink said.

Fink is currently auditioning for more roles, and meeting with potential agents and managers.

“It’s opened a lot of doors,” Fink said. “I’m very lucky to have had this happen to me.”

Williams said the commercial was his favorite of all the ads that aired during the SuperBowl.

“It’s the only one I was really thinking about,” Williams said.


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