Presidential election creates clashes between long-lasting friendships


You hear people say it everyday, I can’t be friends with a Trump supporter or I can’t date them, I think they like Donald Trump. It is easy to say that about people you haven’t met or someone you just started seeing, but why is it a determining factor?

Society has turned support for President Donald Trump into the only factor people use to determine a relationship. The problem with this is that Donald Trump has been President of the United States for less than 100 days. There are relationships that have been going on for years.

The fact of the matter is, long-standing friendships and partnerships are ending because people have a difference of opinions.

Yes, we get it, you think Donald Trump is a horrible person. On some, many, most or all aspects, he can be considered that. This doesn’t mean someone who supports him reflects every aspect you hate about Donald Trump.

They may like the idea of keeping businesses in America. They may think ObamaCare needs to be repealed so it can be fixed. Hell, they may even think the wall between the U.S. and Mexico is a good idea. These are all opinions.  There is no right and wrong. 

Why don’t we get back to friendships which have a foundation built on common interests rather than one difference?

Are you really going to stop dating someone who has been with you for years because they agreed with some ideas with Donald Trump? Is your best friend since grade school now going to be your mortal enemy because they think Trump was a better option than Hillary Clinton? How shallow was your relationship? People are more than just their political affiliation.

Welcome to the world where not everyone thinks the way you do. You will have to work with these people, go to school with these people and live around these people. Are you going to turn down a job because someone voted for Trump?

A difference of opinions is more healthy than surrounding yourself with people to just pat you on the back and agree. It makes you think. Think of it as a personal devil’s advocate you keep around for a good time.

Not being able to be friends with someone because they voted for Trump is more of a reflection on you than the Trump supporter. You generalized that person. While many supporters can be labeled as bad people, it isn’t fair to extend that label to someone that isn’t deserving. Sound familiar?

The truth is, I know a lot of great people that voted for Trump and are now feeling ostracized because of one simple characteristic.

The buck doesn’t stop at Trump either, I have seen relationships end because of someone preferring third party options.

I get it, politics are a big deal, but they aren’t everything. I would rather be around people I enjoy who think differently than I do than be around people that can’t challenge me, and for the most part I do.

All this eventually leads to every person hating another because one identifies as a Republican and the other a Democrat. Why not change this stigma now in a time where the disconnect is at its highest?

When Trump is out of office are you going to go back to being friends? Or did you cause enough damage to someone who recognized your friendship wasn’t strong enough to withstand one presidential election? Is it worth it?

Blood is thicker than water, but true friendship is stronger than a difference in political opinions. This presidency lasts four to eight years, a friendship lasts until the day you die.

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